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7 Easy sitting yoga poses, benefits and precautions

1. Padmasana(Lotus pose):-         


* Sit on the floor with your legs extended forward. Use a mat for this purpose
* Bend your knees of right leg and keep the feet on the left thigh such that the heels are close to abdominal region. Use your hands to do so.
*similarly bend left knee. And keep the feet on right thigh.
* Now straight your spine, and neck. Look straight ahead.
* Keep your both palms on respective knee in mudra.
* Close your eyes inhale deeply and slowly, hold the breath as much as you can than release and hold.
* Do this inhalation and exhalation process 4-5 times.

* Ensure better sleep.
* Improves blood circulation and respiratory function in the body.
* Helps increase bodly energies.
* Removes menstrual cramps.
* Joints and ligament become flexible.

* If you have injury in knee, ankle, spine, neck avoid this pose.
* Initially if you are not able to fold both the legs try this one by one.
* If suffering from cough and cold avoid during extremely cold weather condition.

2. Vajrasana(Thunderbold pose):-


* Knee down on floor or yoga mat.
* Your both legs should be in contact with each other.
* Rest your buttocks on the heels.
* Keep your spine and head erect.
* Balance your whole body weight on the heels.
* Keep your palms on knees.
* Inhale and exhale deeply.
* Close your eyes and feel the movement of your breath.

* cures the digestive issues.
* Helps to reduce obesity.
* Calms the mind by relieving stress.
* Strengthens sexual organs.
* Improves the spine curvature.
* Cures urinary problems.

* People suffering from arthritis in knee should avoid this yoga.
* Those who have intestine ulcers should not do this.

3. Pashimottanasana(Seated forward bend):-


* Sit on the buttocks placing your legs together stretched straight ahead of your upper body.
* Keep your spine and head erect.
* Take a deep breath and raise your hand upward, stretch your spine up as much as you can.
* Exhale slowly by leaning your upper body in order to touch the fingers with the toe.
* Don't bend your knee in order to do so.
* Maintain the position as long as you can.
* Then repeat the same procedure.

* Stretches your spine, hamstring, shoulder.
* Delay's menopause hence slowing the aging process.
* Helps in increasing height.
* Removes bally fat.
* Improves flexibility.

* If you are suffering from diarrhea, slip disc, asthma, this yoga asana in not advised to do.
* Pregnant women should avoid doing this after 2 months pregnancy.

4. Ardha Matsyendrasana(half spinal twist pose):-


* Sit on floor keeping your legs stretched straight in front of your body.
* Bend the knee of your right leg and place it such that the heel of right leg touches the left buttock.
* Bend your left knee. Place the foot near the right knee outward with toes facing in front direction.
* Bring your right hand ahead in order to touch the toes of your left. Ensure that the hand is straight and the knee of left leg touches the elbow of right hand.
* Place your left palm near the left hip and keep it straight.
* Twist your waist in left direction and also the face.
* Do not over stretch the body.
* Inhale and exhale slowly.

* It is useful in slip disc
* Diabetic patients should perform this.
* Ensure the purification of the blood, resulting in healthy skin.
* Improves posture of spine and shoulder
* Improves the nervous system.
* Regulates the secretion of adrenaline hormone hence relieves anxiety.

* Do not overstretch in order to perform this asana.
* Avoid this during Pregnancy or menstruation.
* If you have mild slip disc it proves helpful, but in extreme case it can be dreadful. So, avoid this in that time.

5. Ustasana(Camel pose):-


* Kneel down on the floor. Such that whole leg from knee to toes is in contact with the ground.
* Maintain distance between them such that your whole weight gets equally balanced on both knees.
* Inhale deeply. Take your hands back and slowly bend your waist backward in order to touch the fingers with the toes.
* Eyes should be pointed backward.
* Maintain the position for some time.
* Exhale and come back to original position.

* Helps to remove fat from thighs.
* Relieves lower back pain.
* Improves respiratory and metabolic process by expanding abdominal and chest region.

* People suffering from high or low blood pressure, insomnia should avoid this asana.
* Do not overstretch your body in order to do so.

6. Balasana(child pose):-

* Kneel down the floor. Such that your leg from knees to toes is in contact with ground.
* Sit on your heels keeping the spine erect.
* Raise your hands and stretch your body upwards with deep inhale.
* Exhale and bend your waist in order to rest your forehead on ground and torso on the thigh.
* Remain in this position for some time.
* Then again remain 2-3 times initially.

* Helps in increasing height.
* Removes back pain.
* Helps in relieving stress and anxiety.
* Improves metabolic action in the body.

* Pregnant women should avoid this asana.
* This should not be performed directly after meals.
* Do not practice this if you suffer from low or high blood pressure.
* During diarrhea this yoga pose should be avoided.

7. Marjariasana(Cat and cow pose):-

* Kneel down on floor or mat. Keep sufficient distance between legs.
* Bend on waist move forward and keep your palms on ground such that your backbone is parallel to the ground.
* And thighs and hands are perpendicular to it.
* Inhale deeply and raise the spine up and head down.
* Exhale and move your spine down and head facing upwards.
* Perform this 3-4 times.

* Improves the flexibility of the spine.
* Strength the thighs and upper arm.
* Improve metabolism by simultaneously contacting and expanding the spine.
* Improves blood circulation.
* Continuous inhalation and exhalation helps relieve stress, depression and anxiety which further leads to calmness of body and mind.

* Avoid doing this during pregnancy.
* If you have knee, spine or neck injury do not perform these asana.


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