10 SECRET HABITS OF MENTALLY STRONG PERSON In the present scenario, everyone is so busy with problems. Actually, the fact is a problem is not a problem, rather it is a kind of almighty examination for their kids. Everyone is facing some major to minor problems. The ones who are able to overcome certain situations by analytical thinking grows and glows better. Those who give up people usually call them losers. The mind is the smartest, which even technology can’t beat. A lot of people commit suicide, not able to live blissful all this is because their brain is immature. Here comes the twist, a 12-year boy can build the brain IQ of a 30-year person and it is true for vice versa as well. The problem here comes is sometimes people overestimate themselves and think no need to gain more knowledge, in other cause one wants to increase or become mentally strong but due to poor guidance, they are not able to make it. So, if you are not if you interest in developing the smar...