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7 top strategies that will help you set and achieve your dream goal

7 top strategies that will help you set and achieve your dream goal-

Whenever you are going to set a goal you must know some strategies which is going to increase your chance of achieving that. 

In my teenage whenever I thought of setting a goal for myself I have always wondered what it should be. Can I get a mentor who could help me out. 


Should I focus on short term or long term? This are few questions almost all of us come across at least once in lifetime. 

Whenever we don’t get answer of this questions we often procrastinate the goal setting process. 

Knowing the significance of goal setting process in achieving success in all areas of life, this article is all about goal setting tactics and strategies which must be considered before setting any life goal or to do goal.


 Everyone have some plans for the future. Before setting any goal you must have a clear vision of the future like, what your dream job is like whether you want to work under someone or you want people to work under you, what lifestyle you have imagined for yourself. 

Whether you want to work in risk free environment or you are ready to put your life on risk. What financial status you dream. 

What is something you want to give to the human society in your lifetime which may improve their quality of life. The purpose of this questions is to just clarify your vision. 

While answering this no need to think about the struggles you will have to make or how you are going to do that.


 The world is changing at a fast rate, which has resulted in the increased number of job opportunities.

 Many job professions and carrier options have just originated due to the enhancement in technical field. 

Having no prior knowledge of such options makes them difficult to set as a goal or dream job. We only consider those carrier as success mantras which our parents or people of the society tell us.

 Many times we set goals under peer pressure, achieving which we don’t get any happiness or inner satisfaction. 

Instead of putting your efforts in achieving someone else goal you must put a little effort to know the various scopes and job opportunities which you have before you. 

The motto of this activity is not to put you in confusion but to increase your understanding about the scopes so that you can choose what is best for you.


 Once you get your dream profession or job, you will have to make a road map of how to get there.

 You must know what subjects you will have to study and what UG/PG degrees you will require in order to qualify for that goal. 

It is not mandatory that you have to get to a highly esteemed college/university in order to have the dream job. 

You just have to focus on developing your skills and increasing knowledge which are must required for that job.


 When it comes to barrier or obstacles everyone have their own personal, financial, professional, health and relationship problems. 

You must not avoid them. You will have to take them into consideration. Rather than focusing only on the problem side it would be the best to analyse the problem and focusing on getting the solutions. 

Feel free to take the help of mentor, parents, sibling or friends whom you trust the most. Never let this issues ruin your carrier or future.


 One must remember that failure is not the opposite of success they are the part of success. If you are trying something there are chances both of success and failure. 

You will surely reach your dream destination if you are able to handle those failures. If you give up you won’t make it for sure.


You must make sub goals in order to achieve your ultimate goal, like if my ultimate goal is to get ad sense approval from Google my sub goal will be to make a blog post per day no matter what the circumstances are. 

When you work hard and smart on your sub goals definitely you are going to make it one day.


 It doesn’t matter if your parents or teachers compare you with others, you must not make your comparison. 

Because everyone have their different journey filled with different ups and downs. Try to focus on your journey rather than others. 

And compete with yourself only. For avoiding comparison what I think before comparing to others is, suppose I want to be a pilot then the world need lot of highly skilled pilots not only one. 

This is my strategy to save myself from that dramatic situations.
6 ways to handle fear intelligently


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