The law of attraction and how to get the best out of it
The law of attraction states that your future will be designed as per your thought. If you think positively and constantly spread positively around you, you are more likely to be successful in upcoming future, whereas negative thoughts will lead you to failure. This law of attraction is in work 24/7 just like gravitation and a lot of other forces. And fortunately if you add little works on daily schedule, your chances of getting success can increase.Below are the mentioned steps to get the most out of this wonderful law of attraction of nature.
How to use the law:-
Thoughts about past: - Are you one of those million people
who caries all heavy burden of past like failures, guilt, regret etc. in the
way to future, and are constantly stressed about it. And you are having self-doubts
and think that you may not do well in future. Then you are unknowingly
attracting all problem and sorrow in your life.
I’m not saying that remembering your past, learning lessons from that mistakes, so you won’t repeat them again, is a bad thing. It’s not.
But having guilt about it, and being stressed, blaming yourself for all that took place is wrong. Instead show your gratitude for things that want right. Each and every single day show your gratitude to the almighty.
Example: - “I’m really thankful for the two time meals which I have”. “I’m really enjoying my life the way it is and I’m thankful to you for being alive”. Practice this on a daily basis.
This routine will emit positive vibrations from you. And according to the law of attraction, you will attract all goodness and happiness in your life.
I’m not saying that remembering your past, learning lessons from that mistakes, so you won’t repeat them again, is a bad thing. It’s not.
But having guilt about it, and being stressed, blaming yourself for all that took place is wrong. Instead show your gratitude for things that want right. Each and every single day show your gratitude to the almighty.
Example: - “I’m really thankful for the two time meals which I have”. “I’m really enjoying my life the way it is and I’m thankful to you for being alive”. Practice this on a daily basis.
This routine will emit positive vibrations from you. And according to the law of attraction, you will attract all goodness and happiness in your life.
Mysterious future: - All of us have certain desires related
to our future. Write down your future by yourself. Yes, take a notebook and a
pen write down how you imagine future to be, no matter how unrealistic that
seem, doesn’t matter. Just note it down.
As we grow up, we begin to think like the person around us. Most people say you are worthless or they don’t see any potential in you, you certainly believe that deep inside you. But to be honest the one and only person who truly know all your strength and weakness is you yourself. So, think big. When you have written all your wishes, say to the almighty that I see my future in this words, and I trust you with all my heart that you will help me achieve them.
As we grow up, we begin to think like the person around us. Most people say you are worthless or they don’t see any potential in you, you certainly believe that deep inside you. But to be honest the one and only person who truly know all your strength and weakness is you yourself. So, think big. When you have written all your wishes, say to the almighty that I see my future in this words, and I trust you with all my heart that you will help me achieve them.
Present action: - Believe that whatever you have asked for,
the request has reached the god. He is willing to fulfill your desires. But you
will have to prove him that you truly deserve the things you are demanding, you
are worthy of all them. Do the things which you are interested in with full
passion. Work hard to develop yourself and your skills. No need to focus on what
others are doing or thinking. Just perform your work with whole dedication and
determination. Surely, the almighty will give you everything you have ever
asked for according to the law of attraction.
Practice the above mentioned things on daily basis and the results will be shocking.

Practice the above mentioned things on daily basis and the results will be shocking.

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