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Keep your senses working to its best

Enhancing 5 Senses to another level

there are 5 senses in human body which are smell, touch, sight, taste and sound. All these helps you to get the better understanding of the environment you are in. Human brain receives almost every particular information through the 5 senses. Enhancing the ability of these senses will help you to get better understanding of surrounding and help you to live more in the present.
Now, we are going to discuss some simple ways to enhancing your 5 senses.

1)  Sight

Eye is the organ which is related to the sense of sight. Nowadays, people suffer from different types of eye problems. By paying little attention you can keep your visuals healthy.
(A). Eat food which are rich in vitamin A i.e. sweet potato, carrots,            spinach etc.
(B). Exercise your eyes, Roll your eyes in circular motion also try looking left to right do this few times. Focus on near and far objects in 5 min interval.
(C). Wear sunglasses when you go out on a sunny day this will protect your eyes from UV radiation.
(D). There is also acupressure point for the eyes you need to press it few times. It is located between your index finger and middle finger. See image for reference.

2)  Smell
The sense of smell can be highly sharpened by smelling those substances which have heavy/strong and sharp odor.
(A). Keep your nasal passage clean. There are certain exercises like Anulom Vilom pranayama, kapalbhati etc. which proves beneficial for this purpose.
(B). Focus on smelling certain ingredients by closing your eyes and try to identify them.

3)  Sound

(A). Listening to music and focusing on the sound of one of instrument helps improve the sense of hearing
(B). Clean your eyes at regular interval of time by water or oil.
(C). Close your eyes and try to hear the sounds coming from surrounding.
(D). Do not listen high frequency music this damages your ear drums which can permanently damage your this sense.

4)  Taste

Avoid excess amount of salt and sugar in your diet. They suppress the taste of other things. Try to have the taste of all contains of food. Eat hot and freshly cooked food this will activate your taste receptors. While brushing don’t forget to clean your tongue properly.

5)  Touch

Skin is related to the sense of touch. This is largest of all sense organs and its work is crucial. It senses the temperature of surrounding and sends signal to the brain which is why we feel hot or cold.
To enhance this ability.
(A). Touch different surfaces rough, soft and try to feel the sensations.
(B). Touch different fibers ex silk, woolen, and figure out the difference.
(C). Keep your eyes close and feel the air touching your skin or just move hand in water and feel it.
(D). Remove all your dead skin which is over your surface by scrubbing.


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