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How to create the best first impression

How to create the best first impression

Human mind is able to remember only the first and last impression of events or persons for lifetime. It does not bother about the middle impression. At first meeting one can probably observe a person completely. First impression are quite difficult to change and are nearly impossible to remove. Below are some tips to create the best long lasting first impressions.


Decent dressing:-

The first thing which gets highlighted about you is your appearance. Make it very decent which suits the occasion (like job interview, family function) or just a random meeting. It builds a positive impression and reflects your positive personality.

Body language:-

Body language not only means your hand movements while talking but it is related to your way of standing, sitting, walking each and every particular thing. This all reflects your attitude towards others and the surrounding. You should not hide your hands or carry yourself in a way which the other might feel uncomfortable about. Do not loosen your posture it shows lack of confidence.

Eye contact and facial expressions:-

Making eye contact while conversation, develop a sense of trust in the other person towards you. Also it reflects your confidence and fearlessness. Make sure that your eye contact does not seem like a stare.
Keep a beautiful smile on face. Do not feel nervous. This will help the other person to emotionally get attached and will enhance the quality of communication.


While interaction try to speak less and listen more. Speak when you are asked to and that too in relation with the question. Avoid over speaking. Take interest in the matter what other is trying to convey. Do not make them feel that you are disinterested or getting bored. Do not use vulgar words. Speak politely and gently.


Don’t try to be neither too friendly nor too rude in the first meeting, behave normally. Be aware of the things that other might get offended with and try to avoid them. Don’t judge just be observant. Try to respond like hmm, OK etc. but do not react.


If you get to know about the achievements of other person in the very first meeting, praise them for that, no matter what it is. Instead of saying ‘Anybody can do it’ rather say ‘you did a great job. I feel highly impressed or motivated’. Avoid finding mistakes for a while.


When you are about to leave do not forget to tell them how you felt after the meeting and you would like to meet them again or not. What attracted you most about the person. Do not give an opinion about the other as you cannot know a person fully on the very first meeting.


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