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How to cultivate habit of reading books

How to cultivate habit of reading books
Book reading is considered as a very productive way to pose your leisure time. It is a great fun activity which adds to your knowledge and aids your language build up.
Here are some ways which anybody can develop and persist the habit of reading.

1. Know Benefits:-
First try searching for benefits of reading books. This will increase your determination and will power. It is psychologically proven that you are more likely to start something if you get benefit from it.

2. Language:-
Initially start reading those books which is written in familiar language, and then jump to books of those language which you want to master. If you will begin with harder words, you might get bored and drop the idea.

3. Conciseness and interest:-
Try searching for books which grabs your interest like novels, fictions etc. And this should be concise i.e. consist less number of pages. This will enable you to search for more interesting books.

4. Vocabulary:-
Read a little but with full understanding. In order to do this underline the difficult words and search their meaning. If you use them in daily life this will develop your strong communication skills.

5. Description:-
Every author tries to give their books a catchy title to attract readers. But it is advised to have prior knowledge of the content of book before reading it. Read the book description and reviews. This will help you to pick a good one.

6. Keep reading material always with you:-
our brain is more attracted toward things which require low efforts. Keeping a book with you, every time would make it a easy to approach it.


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