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Pros and cons of comparing yourself to others

Pros and cons of comparing yourself to others
in your lifetime you compare yourself with a lot of people around you according to the situations. These comparisons are neither worth it nor worthless. According to your mindset comparisons have their own pros and cons. Anyways you are your only constant and true competitor. Self-competition is the only way to bring the best out of you. Now let us talk about the pros and cons of comparing yourself to the people around you.

1.   Motivation: - If you compare yourself with someone who is better than you at a particular skill and think that I want tto become like the person anyhow. You will feel motivated. So, comparison can prove beneficial in this mindset.
2.   Confidence: - If you compare yourself with a person who is not better than you. You feel that you have something extra than the rest. This will boost your self-confidence.

1.   Depression: - As said earlier it’s all the gameplay of your mindset. If you see someone better than you, you may also feel depressed that he is having some extra which I lack. You may also feel that he is a lot ahead than me and I can never match him, this may ruin your blissfulness.
2.   Ego: - If comparison is made with person below you. You may feel that I’m a pro and it will be impossible for him to beat you. These thought process seems more like ego rather than confidence.


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