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11 habits of optimistic people which will compel you to become one

11 habits of optimistic people which will compel you to become one

The person who tries to find good in everything or looks at positive aspects of all the situations is called a optimistic person. Such people are never sad, stressed or worried about the problems they are facing or have faced in the past. They always remain happy and blissful. This is why having an optimistic approach towards life is so important because when you are happy you live in the present moment. And this is what living truly means, living in the present moment.


Being an optimistic person can provide you internal motivation for not being afraid of struggles and fearlessly move on towards the goals, which you have set and become successful. Although person is not optimistic from his birth. Having an optimistic or pessimistic outlook in life is completely your choice. If you are willing to become an optimistic person and always look on to the bright side of life this article is meant for you. Below are mentioned few habits of optimists which will help you to be an optimistic person.


Optimistic people possess high self-esteem and self-confidence. This is because they never underestimate themselves. Through deep self-analysis one is able to know his value. The first step towards achieving optimistic outlook is self-Examination. Know more and more about your capabilities and weakness. Study your strong points where no one can ever beat you and weak points where you don’t stand a chance. Once you are complete with this you will come to know how you have to work on yourself. Focus on maintained strengths and develop your weak points in order to not be left out.


Once you begin to value yourself you will automatically start valuing others. Never judge someone or consider them low. Everyone have some strengths and weakness, and optimistic people fix this in their mind for lifetime. I have encountered many people in my school time who are either highly intelligent or are having high sports spirit, some are good at both, few are very versatile and can do almost everything effectively and perfectly. The thing is on the very first meeting just having few minutes conversation or a mere handshake doesn’t help you get to know the person completely. Thus, it is important to respect everyone around yourself.


 There are lot of moment where we are unhappy or unsatisfied with our self or someone’s behavior towards us. The disappointment from ourselves leads to feeling of guilt and regret whereas the disappointment for others leads to anger and hate. This emotions of guilt, regret, anger and hate restrict us to move ahead in life and make us trapped in past. Forgiveness does more good to us than the faulty person. It gives us freedom from past, command over present and ability to deal with the future.


It is said that if you don’t have any haters, you are doing something seriously wrong. Throughout our life we have to face criticism as per the circumstances. Fools react to criticism with anger whereas  optimist people takes it as a joke for that moment and deeply think over the criticism. If it is their mistake they tries to correct it and shows apology, it is not their mistake they ignore that. The fact is people have mouth on which you have zero control, but you have ears and a brain which are absolutely in your control. Hear good, process good and ignore the rest.


Optimistic people are open-hearted and helpful. They are ever ready to help others who approach them if they are capable of doing that. They believe in joy of giving without expecting even a thanks of gratitude from others. They cannot see the people around them in trouble. Besides this if they lack some knowledge and are stuck with something they try to approach others. They never feel shy or take the simple act of asking for help on their ego. If someone help them out they feel grateful and if not they never mind it.


Optimist believe that everything in the world is temporary except the word temporary. It may be people, their feeling towards you, success, failure, troubles, happiness, things of daily use, each and every particular thing is uncertain to be permanent. Optimist don’t expect anything from anyone doesn’t matter how close the other person is and they try to avoid attachment, which is the main cause of sadness most of the time. They also advice other to not get attached to them.


Optimists set their eyes on big goals which are realistic and achievable. Example- if you ask people about their future professionals goals. Normal people will they want engineer, doctor or teacher whereas optimist will say Prime Minister, entrepreneur etc. They never run away from struggles or any personal and professional problems cannot stop them. Because they have excepted them as a part of life which is responsible for progress.


Optimist people are aware of the fact nobody is perfect or nobody possess all the skills in the world. But they are all time curious to learn or know about something new. This willingness to learn makes them fast learners. You will never hear them say that I’m the most knowledgeable and talented, nobody can match my level instead they say I’m not really good at this and they are in search of opportunity to learn and grow.


 As an optimist always have a positive outlook, when they meet a new person they neglect the back and focus on the good side of the person no matter how less that is. Therefore, they never spread rumors or perform back bitching. They appreciate other when they find someone doing something good. Instead of being jealous about that.


 A positive person except the problem which is in front, they analyze the cause of problem and have a problem solving approach. They never blame others or fight with them that because of you we are in trouble. They try to unite everyone and finds the appropriate solution.


They are aware of the influence on them of the people they remain surrounded all the time. They spend more time with optimist like them. But again if they are placed in bad company too, they are capable to change bad into good.


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