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Benefits of laughing

Laughing: why is it so important

Humans are so busy these days in their problems that they have forgotten laughing and smiling. They always remain distressed. There is no permanent blissfulness, all their pleasures are temporary. But laughing plays a significant role in life. 


Life is very short, why should we choose to spend whole time in sadness, let’s laugh and spread happiness. Laughing is a must to cultivate habit. 

It has many philosophical and psychological benefits. Some people spread myths that if you laugh too much you will have to cry too much, but it is not so. 

Alike smiling, laughing is also contagious and if you do laugh, you could be the reason of someone’s smile. Let’s have a look at some of the benefits of introducing the habit of laughing in daily routine.

Weight loss:

When you laugh aloud, your belly gets contracted. This continuous contraction and expansion helps remove belly fat and build abs. Therefore, this can also be termed as a substitute for gym. 

So, if you don’t have time to go to gym, laughing for 10-20 min a day can help you a lot with fitness.

Blood circulation and heart health:

Laughing helps to regulate the circulation of blood in the whole body. Therefore reducing the risk of high-low blood pressure and heart attack. It increases the flow of blood to the face hence making your skin glow.

Immunity and life span:

Laughing strengthens your immune system, hence preventing you from all major to minor illness. When you are healthy you are more productive. 

Laughing daily for 15-20 min can increase your lifespan and worrying continuously may even reduce it.

Relieves stress:

When your mind is focused towards problem only you feel stressed and depressed. When you laugh it makes your mind diffused, so you get the solution to your problems.

Problem solving and decision making tendency increases. Laughing helps to regulate the secretion of stress hormone (such as cortisol, adrenaline and dopamine)

Sleep and growth:

Laughing helps in prevention and cure insomnia. So, if you are not getting proper sleep you must laugh for 15 min per day. 

It is said that 8 hours sleep is required per day for an adult to work efficiently for the rest of time but if you laugh you can work efficiently even by reducing sleep hours. 

Growth hormone are secreted in the body while sleeping. So if you laugh often your sleep will be improved hence helping in your growth.

Sense of humor and perspective:

When you have a strong sense of humor, your perspective on various topics of life clarifies and the broadness of mind increases. 

Having a strong sense of humor prevent you to gossip and bitch about everything and everyone. You do not discuss people, rather you create new ideas and share them. Your creativity improves.

Creates a good attractive personality:

Nobody wants to be with such person who is always crying over their problems, because everyone already have their own. 

People are always attracted towards a person who laughs, because as smile and laugh are contagious, he is a reason for their laugh.

So, laughing helps you to create a bold and attractive personality. People like to be with you and around you.

Helps to increase temper:

The person who are always happy are less likely to get angry over small things. They posses a high temper. It is very difficult to cross their patience level. 

Whereas a sad person and stressed person gets offended even at minor tasks. When you do something in angriness it’s the root cause of more troubles. So, laughing helps you from all those troubles.


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