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Benefits of Simple Living.


It is truly said that simple living is the key to success and ultimate happiness. Once you start living simple you will always feel blissful. 

There can be lot of definitions to simple living many people think it as minimalism some say self-contentment. You can have your own thoughts on what simple living is. 

simple living

For this post lets look at the pros of simple living. So first let us discuss what the so called benefits of living simple are. 

Many of you might first of all thing that what are the benefits of living simple and why would I opt it. Without wasting further time let us go through the pros of simple living.

1. You get a lot of time for yourself

In the modern living style people always complain about the time issues. 

But the actual thing is we waste a lot of time on unnecessary, no beneficial things which we do unknowingly for temporary pleasures. 

Simple living eliminates the unnecessary things and focuses only on the most important works. So you can get a lot of time for your self-development and self-improvement.

2. Rescues you from mental problems

Mental problems means depression, anxiety, sadness etc. Simple living will prevent this and will ultimately lead you to a healthy and happy life. 

It is scientifically proven fact that people who opt simple living are more blissful and away from mental problems.

3. You can get time for your family and friends

You can save a lot of time from unnecessary things and can spend them with your family and friends. 

This will help you grow socially and will boost your bonds.

4. Focus on learning process

Many of us has this problem that our mind chatter a lot. Simple living is a way you can be more satisfied with your life and your mind will be calmer. 

This will help in complete focus over the work you do and be present and fully aware of what you are doing.

What things to do for living simple life?

1. Early to bed, early to rise

Simple living also includes your sleep cycle the more healthy sleep you have the more happy and joyful you will be. Getting your minimum required sleep will help you to be more active during the day.

2. Do yoga and exercise

It is an old saying that health is most important for an individual. No money or asset can buy you your health. 

Yoga and exercise will help to calm your mind and help you grow physically as well as mentally. First start with less time say 10-15 min a day and then gradually increase the time.

3. Eat healthy food

Eat the food which are easily digestible and provides the nutritive components of diet. This will save a lot of your energy to be used in metabolic activities.

Eating habits also affect your mood and the energy throughout the day. So eating healthy will make your mood better and you will be full of energy throughout the day.

4. Buy the things which you really need

Every time you go to market you will find new products and discount offers. Many times we buy things which we really don’t need and that thing end up being kept somewhere not used very often. 

So we really need to rethink before we buy something. Question yourself do you really need this.

5. Stay away from social media addiction

Social media has its own good affects and bad affects. When we see someone posting a moment of their happy life we just feel that he is so happy and start comparing our self with it feeling miserable.

Or if someone is painting in the picture or video you also wanted to do it. Why?

This is just because we don’t have control over mind and we are not satisfied with what we have and what we do?

6. Ego

Ego can be problem in the way of your simple living. Simple living will help you be more satisfied and teach you live with minimalism. 

To minimize your requirement and do less rather than being working all time like machine. If your neighbor buys new car and shows you your ego lets you buy a new one too. 

Try keeping things simple with your mind and with your surroundings. Spending time with yourself.


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