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6 reasons why you should be spiritual

6 reasons why you should be spiritual-

 Spirituality basically means questioning the existence itself. When the questions like “who am I”, “what is the purpose of life” arise in your mind you are heading towards spirituality. It gives you ability to believe that there is a non-materialistic existence whose power and energy is greater than all the living and non-living creatures and things. 


It’s all in your mind and you don’t need to perform rituals in order to feel the connection with the higher powers. It is knowing your inner self by having an inward approach. Religion is a little different from spirituality. In religion you follow some social group, spiritual practices, read holy books, in order to get connected with higher energies. 

Following religion practices is good only when you follow your religion and also respect others but it creates whole problems when you oppose the other religion practices and promote yours. Whereas spiritual practices can be performed by any commodity of person irrespective of religion, caste, gender, age, region and so on. Anyways both religion and spirituality are strong practices in order to connect with the higher immaterialism energies.

Below are mentioned few benefits an individual get through practicing spirituality:-


 When you become a spiritual person you believe in ‘karma’ which is presently popular as ‘The law of attraction’. You believe that if you do good or bad to someone respectively the things will happen to you in future. The fear of karmic actions prevents you from doing bad to others instead you spread out love and happiness in order to receive that back in future. So, you live as a best version of yourself throughout life no matter what the situation or circumstances are. If someone bad to you spirituality gives you power to handle that and leave the rest to ‘karma’.


 When you are in the process of searching the purpose of your life. The truth you get face to face multiple times is-The creation is meant to be destroyed. You will surely have to die if you are born. And you have no idea when the time’s up. Thus, spirituality removes fear of death from your mind and shows you the importance of time and people around you. You begin to value the present which you are given. Specially the moment you adopt spiritual practices you begin living in the true sense.


 Spirituality not only makes you eager to know your purpose of being alive but also puts a question mark behind each and every particular thing you see or feel. You begin to value everyone which surrounds you. Spirituality helps you connect with other people, creatures, nature, object, invisible energies around you and the supernatural power who is the creator. This removes the feeling of loneliness. You never feel alone even when nobody is around you, you remain connected with God.


 Spirituality teaches you care values of life. It teaches you to feel gratitude about everything you got, become compassionate, forgive other even in the absence of apology, makes you open hearted and helpful. You are no longer self-centered, you become selfless. Your only goal of life becomes to do something throughout your lifetime which will benefit the man kind and mother earth. You feel empathy for others. You become capable of putting yourself in almost everyone’s shoes even the animals and from their perspective.


When you are able to think beyond the dimensions, you view feeling like sorrow, depression, stress just as a psychological drama which is created by your own thought process only. You don’t have any time to think about such feeling. Spiritual person are more interested in knowing life’s purpose until the time death knocks their door, they never choose to end their own life by giving up to worldly problems. I have probably never heard a person devoted to God like caretaker of Temples, Church, Mosque etc. have committed suicide. Spirituality teaches you to never give up either to life or life’s problems.


 When you believe the highest power who created everyone is by your side cause you haven’t done anything wrong in your lifetime, you fear nobody. The person against you may be at power or higher position doesn’t matter. If you are right then you may face obstacles, people come against you. But they cannot stop you from winning. You don’t even fear failures. You become completely fearless, you only fear the creator itself.


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