6 shocking consequences of gossiping and spreading rumors-- Nowadays gossiping and spreading rumors have become a part of many people’s life. Almost all of us take part in this activity at least once in lifetime, so many people do this on daily basis. And why not, it is so much fun and reliving activity, something this melts your anger instantly towards a person who insulted you or made you feel ashamed. Gossip means taking about a person in their absence. There are two categories of gossips. The positive once where the information or talk about a person is true and majority of people believe that and the negative once where the information been talked is not likely to be true and that’s your own opinion with having almost zero similarity with reality. Whereas rumor is information you came to know about after passing through multiple people and they have also creatively added something from their own genius mind and you are responsible to continue the chain now. Takin...